Saturday, September 29, 2007

At 15 mins to freedom...

I am, right now, sitting in the middle of a test which true to its name , is a surprise . Believe me when I tell you, I’m not just surprised but also at the same time shocked and horrified. I try looking for a good enough excuse to bail me out of this seemingly unavoidable situation.Try as hard as I may , I know that these are times my brain conveniently fails to function. As expected, nothing comes to mind even as the teacher cunningly threatens that is will be the basis on which we will be marked for "performance in class".

Then again... I cant say they've never warned us about such situations; but who would’ve thought it would hit us so early into the semester. Somehow, things like these , though meant to project spontaneity , aptitude and enthusiasm , do exactly the opposite. This ,comes from the fact that I have never , till date , met a person who came out of such a situation and said " That was awesome ! " or " what an experience. But yes , if u will at this particular juncture , accuse me of criticizing the situation just because I’m not able to do anything else about it , I will accept I’m guilty as charged. The excuse goes something like.. As far as the subject is concerned , I’m absolutely clueless ( knew I should’ve at least perfected the name of the chapters..) and if u ask me why I’m not trying my best to at least jot down something so I would "maybe" pass. Well I’ll just say.. That if I had even an ounce of knowledge regarding the subject, I wouldn’t have been here scribbling on these last few pages of the first book I found in my desk.

Ten minutes more to go and all I’ve done is managed to sneak a peek into my very intelligent ( yep I’ve bin bribed will do..) partner's paper , who btw is herself facing an irritating experience of short term memory loss. And so unwillingly, after beautifying the not-so-imp personals details ( for the teacher's aid to induce torture as and when reqd.)..I’ve written (or copied) whatever little was legible of her ultra professional ( read incomprehensible) hand writing ... which seems more like that of a doctor’s than of an engineer’s. But sadly even that is not enough to fool the teacher to make believe that this almost empty sheet is not because I don’t know anything ..but because maybe I cant "think" of anything I know…which he wants…

Freakin out before duin sumthin i'v alwys wantd to do..

Well, for starters.. this post was actually my entry for gettin thru to the Editorial team of my college... The problem here was .. we were asked to write sumthin startin from "I am.." ..after helpin my pals.. figure out their entries.. i finally sit down with my own.. n THIS is wat came out ...

I am.. at the moment, horrified of the fact that this is the chance destiny has brought upon me ,which I think I might just lose .. Because when I was told to write 600 words on anything I wanted to, I initially thought it wouldn’t be that hard. But now that I sit to actually pen it down, I can think of absolutely nothing. Reason being, all my life (of what’s gone)...I’ve waited for the right chance, the right opportunity, to prove, not to anyone else but me that I can do something other than merely trying to pass through college but now that I have the chance ,I have absolutely nothing that is striking me. So I’m going to put down whatever is going on in my teeny tiny brain , and right now what’s striking me is ..Well... "Still nothing...”.
Frankly speaking, I was expecting I’d have to write a review or maybe give an opinion, but clearly this is not what is expected of me right now. I have realized from this very experience, that thinking when your told to, is excruciatingly traumatic, because that’s the time when my brain tells me.. "What are you looking here for...U've never let anything stay here long enough to be used again..! Ha ha ha “.. So basically what your told to do, you never want to do, even if you wanted to do it initially, but the fact that now your “ABLE“ to do it , and now don’t WANT to makes you pull your hair out. You might, at this particular juncture, be thinking.. What a humongous piece of written crap this is! But dear reader, I will still maintain, this is exactly what’s going on in my head at this point of time.
On a serious note, maybe I should write something on ‘Technology’, as that’s my field.. or something to do with ideals like ‘Unity’? ‘Teamwork ’? ‘ Ethics’? Or does ‘Communication skills’ do the trick? If not these, then my brain (still smirking at me… ) tells me that it would be appropriate if I wrote something about my own life, my experiences, my ups and downs (of course, the latter outnumbering the former).. Or maybe something do with my friends, my college, my ‘present’, in general. But I wonder how something ‘I’ve’ gone through (amazing that it has been..) could interest "YOU" .. Still keeping in mind, that I want you to read further... I’ll just go on, by pressurizing my brain to come up with something I really want to convey... something which would bring out, not the literary me, but at least convey the fact that I ‘CAN’ write.. (Don’t let this content make you think otherwise...). Now I think you must’ve reached the point of absolute frustration, because I’m sure you’re looking for ‘THE’ topic I’m going to write on incoherently, like I’ve known it all along, and am just dying to put across... trust me, you will find it.. It is here somewhere in my head, if it would just come forth..
Now that I think of it, I should’ve never projected the fact that I m actually confused as to what exactly is asked of me, because as they say, ”Confusion projects Instability”... But then, now it’s all done. Drafted and made indelible. To rectify it and make it seem all prim n proper would be cheating you, and to go on, would practically be asking you of a favor. So I think I’ll just end this bit by making my closing statement the same as my opening one, because even now.. I am horrified, but not of the fact that I might lose “the” opportunity, but of the fact.. That I might Already Have!

Well, believe it or not.. I Have Got selected into the Editorial Team... Strange as it seems to me.. i still cant figure my " nothing " got me to be "something"..