Wednesday, July 2, 2008

........The End.........

It felt like a visit back from heaven..
It felt like a ray of light at the end of the tunnel..
It felt good.
It felt nice.
I met a certain sumone.
A sumone who showed me how the world looks from the other side..the side I'd never seen.
The side I might never see again..more than a friend and nothing more.
Life seemed perfect and as pure as snow.

Never thought I'd ever be happy.
Content and satified.
But sumhow it dint feel like effort.
Never felt like chance.
Its made me realise. how life is beautiful.
As beautiful as you dare to make it.
Made me feel.. I belong.
Make a difference.
Have an importance.

Someone thought Im fine.
Someone thought I deserved.
Someone held my hand wen I refused to give it.
Someone helped me pull it through.
Someone somewhere finally cared.

Its over before it started.
Executed as scheduled.
Feelz empty but there was'nt supposed to be anything in there.
Feelz sad but was'nt meant to be.
Disappointed? yes.
Depressed ?no.
What life could'nt show me someone did.
Who was I? what was I ?
an insecure sensitive silhoutte in the dark.
Who am I now? what am I now?
A Shadow with a persona.
A glass half full.
A thought positive.
A game played.
what could'nt be done on my own I've been made to see and do.
I thank you life to show me this.
I thank you "luck" to bring me this.
Rightly enough when they say "All good things come to an end.." I'll safely add..." and all the best things never "end"..they just finish... believe me ... there is a difference."

I'm glad to be able to see it ..I'm glad to be able to feel it.
I'm just glad I was worthy.
'cz in the end..the end doesnt matter.


Anonymous said...

Having fun reading of your blog.

berto xxx

pyro said...

Excellent use of words...continue the good work..

Unknown said...

wish some1 shows me d other side of the world